Freitag, 27. Februar 2015


Greetings form the dark side....

Also...nicht ganz, aber heute Abend haben ein paar Missionrunner ganz arg im Local geheult. Grund: ein fieser Mitspieler hat einen der Missionrunner ausm Schiff gepellt.

[21:19:18] Yazz Karron > You salvage guys are so annoying, why don't you run missions yourself. Make some serious ISK at least
[21:19:44] jared Khardula > Yazz Karron someone nicked ur loot?
[21:20:42] Yazz Karron > not yet, didn't attack the npc ships, but 2 sec after I warped in the first ninja salvager showed up
[21:21:22] Yazz Karron > and god damn it I brought my own salvage alt. LEAVE MY LOOT ALONE!!!!
[21:21:53] jared Khardula > i deploy a MTU or have salvage drones on stand by, just a thought?
[21:22:17] Yazz Karron > have a MTU myself. but some guys just shoot it
[21:22:50] Yazz Karron > and you know what happens if you attack a yellow flagged with a mission ship
[21:23:20] Yazz Karron > Kill: Yazz Karron (Apocalypse Navy Issue) PROOF
[21:25:09] jared Khardula > ah they just love taking out those big mission ships dont they
[21:31:45] jared Khardula > Yazz Karron just curious why u attacked a yellow flagged in a mission ship tho??
[21:32:24] Yazz Karron > because I'm stupid and he was not with the tengu when I attacked him. Tengu came in later. I thought I can take him. Big mistake
[21:33:05] jared Khardula > well its a tough learning curve mate & its a bit unfair but its a harsh game
[21:33:52] Yazz Karron > it is. don't wanna sound like a crybaby. But when you loose a 350mil ship and have to go back to mine for another one, you feel a little anger :D
[21:34:21] Chris Kaedan > First rule of Eve-club...
[21:34:39] jared Khardula > *know that feeling, u have every right to complain bud
[21:35:29] Aurelia Graff > yuh, that sucks
[21:35:55] jared Khardula > how long to mine all the stuff you need do u think??
[21:35:58] Yazz Karron > bad girl
[21:36:53] Aurelia Graff > what did she do? i see she is flashing 'suspect'
[21:38:11] Alice Deckard > attack my MTU
[21:38:29] jared Khardula > similar to the `can flippers` ??
[21:38:49] Alice Deckard > and now she is dancing around in her underpants, just infront of me and waiting for me to attack.
[21:38:57] Alice Deckard > wonder what happens if I do, hmm
[21:39:01] jared Khardula > nice, least shes wearing some lol
[21:39:53] jared Khardula > flashing orange or yellow?
[21:40:17] Yazz Karron > flashing fast
Na, das ist man doch selber Schuld wenn man jemanden angreift der flashy ist, ohne das man selber im richtigen Schiff sitzt^^

so long...

1 Kommentar:

  1. Welcher ehrliche, hart arbeitende Missionrunner hat das nicht auch schon gemacht? ;) Ich auf jeden Fall. Ist ja auch nicht schlimm, man muss alles mal ausprobieren, aber man sollte danach nicht rumheulen wie ein kleines Mädchen, dem man den Lollie geklaut hat. XD
    Der Nasenmann
